Next up on the REBO tour, Newport, Rhode Island. Newport is not only the birthplace of tennis in America, it’s also where the sport grew up. Newport Beach Club in Portsmouth, RI offers exceptional facilities and sporting opportunities. Coach Dell Pride hosts a range of activities including competitive match play, professional clinics, private lessons, and an active junior program. We were lucky enough to join in with the members and give them a taste of what REBO is all about. We had a blast getting everyone involved and helping them ‘practice like pros’ with team competitions, REBO wall challenges and incorporating the wall in full court drills.
As the sun shone on the courts the members laughed, joked and smiled their way throughout the session and for some it was their first experience using a practice wall but we like to think not their last! It was great to see all ages and abilities work together to improve and hone their skills.
For more information on Newport Beach Club click here Viva la REBOlution!